Life with kids is ALWAYS an adventure. And I have 3 who are only 3 years apart. (yes, we're crazy.) This is my place to capture the craziness in all it's glory, because childhood only happens once. (thank goodness!)

When you get tired of reading about my kids visit my other blog all about ME!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Person, place, or thing?

At daddy's birthday dinner tonight the kids were playing 20 questions. One round went a little like this.

Son: It's a thing
Daugter: What kind of thing?
Son: Um, it's something electronic that you carry with you and can charge.
Daughter: Is it a cell phone?
Son: Sort of. It's a kind of phone. It's made by AT&T.
Daugter: Is it a computer?
Son: No. Computers are made by HP.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Santa Clause is coming to Town

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I enrolled Zoey in the Community Ed dance class again. The girl LOVES to dance. And this really is a cheap option and I happen to really like the teacher.

Tonight was supposed to be their Christmas recital, but a few weeks ago on a dance night we had a "blizzard" (hardly!!!!) and the school district cancelled all evening activities. So the teacher bumped the recital to next week, which is when we will be in Disneyland.

Which means I took my camera tonight and took lots of pictures as they practiced in their costumes.

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Zoey is the only one wearing her Santa hat because they didn't stay on very well. But she had barrettes in her hair so we pinned hers on good.

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And I only had my 50mm lens and the dance room isn't that big which means I couldn't get far enough back to get a picture of the whole class. But I got lots of cute close-ups of Zoey. :)

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I also snuck a shot of the token boy in the class. Isn't he adorable?

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And, of course, a video of the dance, which will melt even the heart of the Scroogiest Scrooge.

Thank you! Thank you!

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